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Replace entities

Once upon a time, some guys invented ASCII. As these guys have been americans, they dind't care (or probably not even know) about the rest of the world and said: "128 different characters are enough."

So, nowadays you can't write and read a simple german umlaut within different computer systems.

But, thank god, the guys who perpetrated HTML, after about 30 years of a computer world without working umlauts, provide a solution to this tricky problem:

If you want to type "Ü", simply write Ü. Congratulations, what a great idea! And again, 7 bit rule the world...

So as another feature, hsc can replace special characters in the hsc-source with its entities in the HTML-object.

Simple enable the RplcEnt switch.

Note:This only works for special characters that have been defined with <$defent> in hsc.prefs

Thomas Aglassinger ( ), 15-May-1996